Album Reviews

Review: Bach – Goldberg Variations – Klàra Wurtz, Piano

Klára Würtz is one of those superb musicians that consistently release first-rate recordings without much fanfare. Her previous solo recordings of Mozart, Schubert, Schumann, and Bartók are on-par with the best of them, released on what used to be super-budget labels, Brilliant and Piano Classics.

This is a performance of the Goldbergs that conceals its sophistication. All repeats are played, but other than softer touch, there’s hardly any change in color, volume, or ornamentation between them. That doesn’t mean they lack interest. The brisk tempos keep consistent bit through most of the 77 minutes performance, maintain interest and push through to the final aria as few recordings manage to do.

Polyphony never sounds overbearing but doesn’t lack weight. I especially liked Würtz’s way of bringing hidden voices to the fore or back, which shows high technical command. Pedal is used sparingly just to give support and another layer to the wonderful singing line.

In our guide to the best recording of the Goldberg Variations (part III – piano), I suggested a “sleeper version” of the Goldberg Variations which next to the big names in piano recordings offers an exceptional value with superb musicianship, that reveals the genius of this masterpiece better than other versions. That recording was by pianist Ekaterina Dershavina next to the big names represented by, among others, Murray Persia and Andras Schiff. Even if I wouldn’t want to live without Dershavina’s recording, this one comes pretty close. With an excellent recording, this is highly recommended even to the seasoned Goldberg Variations aficionados.

Bach – Goldberg Variations
Klàra Wurtz- Piano
Piano Classics, CD PCL10230

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